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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Old Habits

For a few delusional years in high school, I entertained the fantasy that I might be able to go to art school. SCAD is in Atlanta and I was all about the visual arts then - I thought I might be able to go somewhere with my drawing.

Senior year was a reality check. And shortly after, writing eclipsed drawing and I eventually stopped drawing altogether.

I've been missing it lately, though. I loved breaking out the pastels to do the Better Than You cover and I started wishing I still made time for sketching. In the interest of 2014 being a year of stretching and growing as an artist, I've decided to set aside 20 minutes (or more, if I have it) each night before bed so I can get back into sketching. I started over the weekend, and I'm rusty! So rusty I'm not posting any of my fledgling attempts on here until they're only mildly embarrassing, rather than completely mortifying.

Pencil sharpened. Here's to growing.

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