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Monday, November 17, 2014

Dartmoor Series

A little bit of a news update this morning. I've had several questions about what's going to happen after Fearless, so I decided I ought to talk about it here on the blog.

The Dartmoor Series will continue! As of now, I've got a rough sketch of three more novels after Fearless, and with a cast this big, there's potential for more, along with short stories. I've been asked by several readers about a Ghost/Maggie story, and I'm thinking about how to handle that - whether I want to do a short or a full novel. There will for sure be an Aidan-centric novel. And as with all my stuff, I like to bring all the other characters and couples into the story.

Book Two in the series, after Fearless, will be called Price of Angels, and will center around Michael, and the bartender, Holly, you met briefly in "All-American Monsters." Holly has a past full of trauma and violence, and she'll be a special addition to the family, I think. Can't wait to share with everyone.

But, before I get ahead of myself, I've got to write Part IV. December, December.

I also wanted to let readers know that I've started a Dartmoor pin board on Pinterest. You can find it here. You can also find these amazing Durango boots there, which Ava has, and I want. There's not much on there now, but I'll be adding to it day by day.

Have a great Monday. As always, feedback is welcome; media links on the right.

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