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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Housekeeping

1) Email: I logged onto my old laptop this weekend and when I pulled up my email, I noticed a slew of email chat requests that for whatever reason don't show up on this laptop. I love hearing from people, but I'm never on chat so that's not the best way to reach me. I respond to all emails, so if you want to get in touch with me, feel free to use the address I posted here on the blog. You have to scroll a bit to find it, but it's in the sidebar.

2) Shelter: I'm getting some really good feedback about Shelter. It's on the edgy side and that seems to be appealing to readers. When I complete Fix You (and it's well underway) I'm going back to my mystery/thriller roots with a revived and revised manuscript that I think will really grab readers who liked Shelter.

3) Discount: Tomorrow afternoon, Dream of You will become available to other booksellers and that means the price will go up! If you want it at the reduced price, you can still get it today and tomorrow morning.

I should have the next installment of Better Than You out soon if I can thaw out and regain proper blood flow in my fingers. Happy Tuesday, everyone.

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