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Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, y'all! Greetings from the farm, where there are once again four horses in residence! 

One of the reasons this holiday season was so hectic is that I was getting ready to bring this sweet baby home. Meet KitKat. She's a six-month-old American Quarter Horse filly, and we brought her home to Riddermark two days ago. She's a weanling, so there's MUCH training in her and my future, but I'm so excited to have the chance to start my own youngster, versus working with other people's youngsters like I've done in the past. The farm where I worked in high school and college bred, trained, and showed Quarter Horses before becoming a boarding facility, so I learned from my mentors there, and now get to dust those old skills off and put them to use with my very own project - just with a dressage twist. Her full name (which I had a blast coming up with) is Kid Tastes Like Candy. I think Candy Snow would be flattered. 

Introducing her to AB yesterday was a little hair raising - AB's been alone since I lost Markus, and she's decided to become a cranky old lady - but things went much more smoothly today, and I was actually able to leave them alone long enough to head back to the house and work on edits. Speaking of...

I finished! I'm done with all my personal edits, and now I just need to look over and incorporate my editor's notes. Don't hold me to it, because it's been a crazy past few months, but I think it really, truly, finally is almost time for Lord Have Mercy

Hope all of you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. I know I'm looking forward to getting back to a more normal, post-holiday schedule. Stay tuned for updates. 


  1. Your new baby is beautiful. I love the name, I do believe Candy would feel pride in you naming the baby after him, looking forward to more updates
