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Monday, January 8, 2024

Fortunate Son: The Playlist


For The Good Son, I did a whole chapter-by-chapter song list breakdown, with scene cues and everything, because that's how it all played out in my head while I was writing. With Fortunate Son (available now! run go get it!) the vision wasn't one-song-per-chapter, but, rather, a few specifics accompanying certain scenes. I've included scene cues below. Starting with:

opening scene
(light coming up on the exterior of the police precinct)
"long cool woman (in a black dress)" - the hollies 


alex goes to the clubhouse
"white rabbit" - jefferson airplane 


refrain throughout
"fortunate son" - credence clearwater revival


aidan and tango
"sweater weather" - the neighborhood 


fallon gets a drink (and more than he bargained for)
"in-a-gadda-da-vida" - iron butterfly 


alex comes back to Knoxville
"ride the lightning" - warren zeiders 


the car chase
"cochise" - audioslave 


alex up a tree
"rooster" - alice in chains


at walsh's old place by the train tracks
"way down we go" - kaleo


at the funeral home
"dear god" - XTC


final scene
opening notes
"the killing kind" - marianas trench


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