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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

#TeaserTuesday - Fortunate Son

When I say that this book is going to test everyone, I mean everyone. And if you think the bad guys are bad now, just wait...

. “Aidan Teague. Your president’s son. The two of you went to school together. Not just school – you had every class together. I have here” – he tapped the folder, fingertip landing overly loud: timp, timp, timp – “an old copy of your file from Knoxville High, that says Maggie Teague wrote two dozen letters and made twice as many phone calls, had quite a few sit-downs with your principal to arrange it so that you and Aidan were never apart. There’s a note here that says it was for your, and I quote, ‘nerves.’” He lifted his brows, inviting an explanation. “The way I see it, Aidan Teague is either your best friend, or your therapy dog. Care to enlighten me on that?”

What Tango cared to do was leave a Kev-shaped hole in the door on his way through it, cartoon-style.

Trying to ignore the sweat beading beneath his clothes, he said, “Aidan’s my best friend, yeah.” So what? his tone said.

“And outside of him, who would you say you’re closest to?”

“My wife.”

Fallon sighed, and consulted a different paper in the file. “Whitney Estes, yeah, sure. But in the club. Felix – Mercy” – he said the name as though it amused him – “he’s your other close friend. Close personal friend, not just club friend. Right?”

He thought of the small, coffee-stained table in the window above the bakery, the scents of fresh bread floating over the sill, the scents of cigarette smoke and his own detox sweat sharp in his nostrils.

“Yeah. I guess so.”


  1. You probably wrote this somewhere and I missed it, but how many parts are there going to be? I don’t want to start reading them until they are all out and I can binge read them all. Thanks!

    1. There will be four parts total, and hoping to drop part four in December :)
