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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

#TeaserTuesday 4/2/19: Dragon Slayer

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?
 ~ "Control," Halsey

“Why do you insist on testing me? Is it fun for you?”

The only fun Val had had in years had been today, watching Mehmet’s men fall back. Knowing that somewhere beyond the defiant flags flying above the unconquered fortress, across mountains and green hills, Vlad waited. And someday, perhaps, they might even see one another again. 


Twenty-eight days away! It's funny the way it's seemed to take so long, and now, with the release day in sight, it's going to fast. A part of me wants to apologize for the next twenty-eight days, and the sheer amount of advertising I'm going to do. But another, larger part of me is thrilled to finally be able to share this book. Thirteen years of dreaming, two years of research, a year of writing. It's kept me up nights, and required lots of coffee; I've shed real tears for these boys. And now, soon, I'll get to send them out into the world. 

Dragon Slayer drops 4/30, and you can pre-order it for the reduced price of $3.99 


“Forgive me,” he drawled, “but you’re both forgetting one very important factor in all of this.” He made a lazy gesture toward the map, leaned back in his chair, one leg kicked up over the arm.

Mehmet shot him a glare.

Timothée turned to him with his usual pleasantly bland smile, his eyes hard and bright as polished stone. Val knew the mage hated him, though he hadn’t figured out why yet. He didn’t think, though, that it was for any of the reasons the rest of the court did.

“And what is that?” he asked, hands folded together primly before him.

Val lifted a finger. “My brother.”

1 comment:

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