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Monday, May 16, 2016

Music Monday - 5/16

Back from the weekend ready to write! By hand, ugh. I'm on doctor's orders to institute "major lifestyle changes" in order to reduce the constant inflammation in my back, yada yada. So. Greatly reduced computer time for me.

I'm hoping to get my Tastes Like Candy proofs in the mail today! I'll need a week or two to apply edits, so I'm thinking about a Memorial Day release. That will be our tentative date going forward - 5/30/16.

I'm also diving back into Loverboy today. I think a little breather away from the book was just what I needed, because now I'm excited to return to Tango's story. I'm thinking about a mid-July release, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

It's Music Monday, so here's a few tracks off the Loverboy playlist:

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