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Monday, March 14, 2016

AITC 2016

3/12/16 - Authors In The City book signing

I don't think I've had my name around my neck since that first year of high school before they gave up on security and let us stuff the lanyards in our back pockets. How official I felt. It's me, in a laminated sleeve!

If you saw my pathetically pale, frizzy-haired self on Facebook this weekend, you'll know I was in Florida for the Authors In The City book signing event on Saturday. It wasn't my first rodeo - I've been to multi-author signings here in Georgia - but my first out-of-state multi-author event, and my first romance-only event. I still maintain that I'm a literary fiction author rather than romance - bet you're tired of hearing that one - but it was lots of fun, and I handed out lots of swag. It was wonderful to see Jessica and Suz again - they brought me a little gator head!!! - and so lovely to meet Roberta, who up 'til now I've only spoken with on FB :-) I loved signing books for you gals!

Today, my brain feels a bit like scrambled eggs. Traveling always sucks the creative energy right out of me. So this week is all about the iTunes playlists, reading, working out, and plugging back into Tango and Candy's stories.

The signing was held at the Gaylord Palms resort just outside of Orlando, and my goodness, this hotel is gorgeous. I'm still sorting through pics, and I apologize for the fact that my phone's camera doesn't perform that well in low light.

Pre-signing setup in the convention center:

Sadly, I was too busy during the signing to take any photos, but that room filled up with authors, and then with attendees, and it was a wonderful zoo.

View from the room's balcony:

The beautiful atrium of the hotel:


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