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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reminiscing Week - The Skeleton King

First Line:
The trainer was a broad man, with a full dark beard.

Pages: 362

Publication Date: September 15, 2015
My Favorite Things about the Book:
The farm. I had a lot of fun playing with design and layout in my head. Briar Hall is admittedly a fantasy farm for me. Stone, tongue-and-groove, two arenas - sigh.
Walsh is one of my favorite boys, chiefly because he doesn't throw off a lot of obvious outlaw energy. Not everyone can be a six-five human wrecking ball (love you, Merc) and I like that Walsh can bring a different vibe into play. I love my strong silent types; the clever, responsible ones. Plus, there's the accent...

Things You May Not Know:
Well, you probably guessed it while reading, but I'm a real-life horse person. I used to manage a barn the way that Emmie does, so I can speak from experience when I say it's a backbreaking, never-ending job. A job we do out of love for the animals. And we love the smell of hay, fresh pine shavings, and good clean horse sweat.
Emmie's horse Apollo is modeled after my horse Markus, part-warmblood/part-guard dog.

Favorite Scenes:
Walsh and Emmie's first meeting.

Their dinner of "eggs and such."

Favorite Line:
"Club comes first. We protect it, and it protects the people who belong to it. The men who wear the patch, and the women we love, and the children they give us. When someone tries to hurt us, any of us, we put 'em down. Simple as that."

Last Line:
I can't put that here! Spoilers for people who haven't read. :)


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