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Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Different Perspective

One of my favorite things about working with a large cast of characters in my Walker Family Series is the opportunity for so many varying perspectives on central occurrences. I write in third person limited perspective, but I like to show the story unfold from several key characters' points of view, rather than just one. Invariably, though, there's not enough time and space to delve into the deep secrets and pasts of every single character.

Not in the books, anyway.

For every character, I ask myself: if I had to deliver a scene in his or her perspective, could I? Could I get inside his or her head? I always want the answer to be "yes".

Some authors use their websites to post deleted scenes or even short stories that tie into their novels, and I really like this - it's free bonus content. A deeper look into the stories I already enjoy. So I'm going to do that here, with Delta and Mike.

In Keep You, Jo's soon-to-be sister-in-law Delta Brooks is exactly the kind of woman Jo never wants to be, at least outwardly. But really, Delta is more multi-faceted than that. I'm challenging myself to try and put myself in Delta's shoes (however high, expensive, and not-my-style they may be). I'm going to go back to Delta and Mike's first meeting, and write a (long) short story, or maybe even novella, about their relationship and post it here, for free, on my blog.

I'm still working on a title, but look for it sometime soon.

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