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Saturday, September 21, 2024

LHM: Knoxville


   The following post contains spoilers for Lord Have Mercy Part Four: Big Son, which you can grab here:

You can also snag the complete novel, all four installments compiled, for Kindle and paperback:

Lord Have Mercy: The Complete Novel

Driving into the city had put a lump in Mercy’s gut, but this was different. Bittersweet, yes, and tainted, as all his memories were by the relentless knowledge of what happened to Daddy, to Gram. But no matter what tortures this city threw at him, he could never bring himself to hate the water. It had raised him alongside his father, the only mother he’d ever wanted or needed. There was water in Tennessee, sure, the Tennessee River, that fat black snake that curved around Dartmoor and slithered its slow way up to Neyland Stadium. But this was the swamp, and it smelled different, and it tasted different on his tongue when he opened his mouth to inhale, and it coursed through his bloodstream.

As a reader, I can fall in love with any setting. I can luxuriate in any aesthetic, and feel at home in any city, in any kind of house. It's all down to author voice. Descriptive language, and sensory detail, and authenticity. 

As a writer, I don't have strong preferences when it comes to choosing the location of a story - but once I'm committed, then I'm dedicated to making it feel like a real place for readers, whether it's an existing city - what I use most often - or a fantasy landscape. Everything from weather patterns to predominant architecture styles all come into play, and the street view on Google Maps is incredibly helpful. 

With Dartmoor, I knew Mercy was from New Orleans, and a great deal of thought went into making that happen. But the decision to put Ghost's mother chapter in Knoxville was more of an afterthought. At first. 

I had two criteria: I wanted it to be a Southern city, because bikers are a bit of a throwback, and the South felt like a good fit. And I knew it needed to be a college town, or near enough to one to commute, since Ava was going to be in grad school. That eliminated UGA right off the bat - sorry! Just not a fan! I did try to be fair, and Ava's undergrad degree is from Georgia: she wanted a fresh start, ha, and Ghost was happy to send her out of state. I'm a 'Bama fan, so I didn't want to play favorites and send her there - though I will say that my eventual plan is for Cal to get recruited there to play college football.

Eliminating those two schools, UT became the no-brainer option. My mom's family loves Tennessee. There's lots of alumni on that side of the fam, and my great uncle, Ted, was an artist who did a lot of design work for the school. That orange T? That's his! 

Once I made the decision, the reasons started piling up, until I couldn't imagine Dartmoor Inc. being anywhere else. It's a pretty city; hopelessly Southern, but with a mountainous, and more temperate climate than Georgia, with colorful autumn foliage and cool, misty river mornings. I love that it isn't Nashville; that it isn't a bustling, cultural hotspot; it's smaller, and quieter, except on fall Saturdays, and it's much easier to see the Dogs ruling over it than a bigger, busier city. It feels like a non-obvious choice, and that's why I love using it. 

I have family history there; in certain lights, I probably bleed orange. But it's been interesting, unexpected, and enjoyable to find a love for the city through writing about it. It feels like a home away from home, and it's certainly become home for a wayward Dog or two, Mercy most of all. 

In Lord Have Mercy, I included a few lines about the ways he loved and hated New Orleans; the ways it would always be a part of him, and he'd always cherish it, but that he didn't want to be there. It's a haunted place for him. 

But Knoxville is where he learned how to smile again. It's where he fell in love. Where his babies were born. He'll always be Swamp Thing, but there's nowhere else on earth he'd rather be than Knoxville, TN. 

Rocky Top, you'll always beHome sweet home to meGood ol' Rocky TopRocky Top, TennesseeRocky Top, Tennessee

*UT plays Oklahoma tonight. Go Big Orange! Please envision Ghost in his white-base, orange-T baseball cap, taking it off every now and then to check that his hair still looks great. 

He walked into the chapel – the same chapel, with the same table, same chairs, same framed photos and flags that he’d known since he’d come here, feeling then as though he’d lived an entire, miserable life, brought low by terrible grief…only to find that entering this room for the first time, and finding a girl hiding in a cabinet, had been, in fact, the beginning of his life. His real life. His best life. 


  1. You are so talented and beautiful 8gifted!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with the world . You bring joy to so many of us. I’m one of your readers who absolutely loves “Sons of Rome” and pesters you when I write comments hoping you will write more books in that series. .But the Darthmore series and the spin offs, including the wonderful books on Mercy are up there with my favorite vampires and werewolves. And it all comes down to the characters. If we the readers aren’t invested —Then who cares? I’m trying to get through a book right now and it’s sad because I don’t care about the protagonist. UuI’m finding myself skipping through trying to find something interesting about her. With your books, the characters come alive for me right away and I am hooked. Thank you again for giving me so many wonderful days and nights of reading very quality writing.
    Your books are always thought provoking.🩵

  2. I love all your books and they mean so much to me! they’ve gotten me through a lot of my times in my life where I’ve been really down and I love them because I’ve been able to share them with the people that I love and there has always been one thing I have wanted to ask you and it seems so silly. lol I can pretty much picture in my head everybody in the series especially the men, but for some reason, I cannot picture in my head what ghost would look like so do you have anybody in your mind that is a real life actor or model or person or anyone that looks like what you would think of him to look like? Because it’s been driving me nuts. I know that he’s not always everybody’s favorite, but I have always loved ghost -Probably because he is very flawed and he is real. He’s made mistakes with his children and in his life and he is a flawed real human so I really love him. I of course don’t like the things that he has done, but neither does he so that’s just all part of it.

    1. I'm so glad the books have been a comfort! That's genuinely the best thing I can hear: that the characters and their stories brought someone happiness. As for Ghost, he's one of my absolute favorites, perhaps especially because he's messed up so much along the way, but still has his pride, and still always does what he *thinks* is right. Most of the characters in this series have been tricky to "cast," because they started out so distinctive in my head, and then finding an actor who fit the bill was difficult; I tend not to like casting for that very reason. But Ghost is one of the few who I feel quite strongly about in this regard! He has always, always, ALWAYS been played by Frank Grillo in my head. No exceptions. He just IS Ghost, and whenever a reader sends me a photo of a different actor I'm just "nope, nuh-uh, no way." Lol.
