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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

#TeaserTuesday - Predator


Through the leaves, he glimpsed a dark flash, just before he turned. The wet, calculating gleam of black eyes. Gator, he thought, with a spike of panic. But gators had green-gold eyes. And gators didn’t really come up on land…he didn’t think. Predator, he thought, then, and whether it was boy or beast, it didn’t really matter. 

I'm genuinely struggling to choose snippets for teasers right now because most of the action in this book is tied to a few surprising twists that I think will be much more rewarding and entertaining to read as part of the overall book. I have such a bad habit of oversharing in the lead-up to a release, and I'm trying not to do that with Fortunate Son because I think going into it blind will make it much more exciting for you guys. 

Sadly, that means Teaser Tuesdays have been rather boring as of late. This paragraph - POV to be revealed - is a brief flashback to pre-teen Mercy, as glimpsed through the aforementioned screen of leaves. This whole book (all four parts total) is wall-to-wall swamp nostalgia, self-reflection, and animal metaphors. 

I still don't have a release date penned down, but I've got every finger and toe crossed, and drinking all the coffee, in hopes it'll be out by the end of this month. 💕


  1. On pins and needles here!!

  2. I can't wait, I get excited

  3. I’m thankful for any words. :)

  4. Sure am anticapating...but you take care of YOU! If you aren't well, not feeling good, you won't be able to produce! This sounds extremely selfish, but I promise it's not. Just really hope you get to feeling TOTALLY better!!

  5. Waiting sucks but quality takes time and you always do the characters justice. So waiting it is..
