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Monday, May 15, 2023

Fortunes of War: Links


I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday. I committed the sin of getting my mom a gift that I want to borrow. If she can’t find her new copy of Monty Don’s gardening book later, it’ll be with me. 😈 

Holiday weeks/weekends can get a bit hectic, so I wanted to re-drop links for last week’s new release, Fortunes of War, Drake Chronicles book 5. It’s out!

You can get it in ebook and paperback forms at Amazon, or for Nook at B&N. 

This book is all about the interpersonal bonds: the forming and furthering of connections, some more surprising than others. Everyone’s conflicted...though Oliver is convinced he totally has everything under control. The longest installment to date, it’s got some startling twists in store for our heroes, and there’s much more to come. Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. I’m starting Fortunes of War next. I want to concentrate on it and not have distractions. Cannot wait!
