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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

#TeaserTuesday - First Impressions

 A little series shift today. A scene from Fortunes of War - coming soon! - in which Leif and Ragnar finally meet Amelia - and Alpha - in the flesh. 

From Fortunes of War, copyright © 2023 by Lauren Gilley 

In the place where they’d all stood, the shattered top of a tree plummeted down and stuck in the damp ground like a thrown spear. The snap of branches was loud and rapid-fire. He glimpsed black claws, and sleek, black legs, and another tree was uprooted; it tipped sideways and went down with a great crash, dragging saplings and low limbs along with it. Dirt kicked into their eyes, and Leif swiped it away with the back of his hand, grimacing against the wind, beating right in their faces, now.

There was a loud thump, and a rumbling that moved through the ground.

The wind cut off, suddenly, with a sound like a snapping sail, and with a chittering, grumbling, growling vocalization similar to that of the cold-drakes, but quicker, and more aggressive.

He blinked grit from his eyes and beheld a drake so black it gleamed green and violet where the sun struck it. Glowing red-gold eyes, and sharp horns, and a long, serpent tail that whipped back and forth in agitation, snapping off yet more branches and flicking leaves from bushes.

It was bigger than Percy, and when it lowered its head to scan the forest around itself, Leif saw smoke curling from its nostrils. This one, undoubtedly, wouldn’t be breathing ice.

A shock of bright red drew Leif’s gaze to the animal’s back, and it was only then that he noticed the black leather and silverwork of a bridle, and a harness, and a saddle. And in that saddle sat a rider, in smooth black armor, and gleaming mail, with a black helm crested by a dyed horsehair tail of blood red.

He'd grown used to Percy, and Alfie, and Valgrind. Didn’t trust them, necessarily, but wasn’t alarmed by the mere sight of them. Didn’t feel the urge, as he did now, to crouch down on all fours, press his back into a corner, and growl.

“Holy gods,” Ragnar breathed beside him, wheezing from the pain. “Look at – it’s – holy gods.”

The drake’s head whipped around toward them, stretched out on its neck so Leif felt the forceful exhale of hot air, breath that smelled of blood.

Leif snarled.

The drake snarled back, knife teeth flashing as its lips peeled back.

A clear, feminine voice called out, “Alpha, no.”


The word struck Leif like a slap. He felt it reverberate through Ragnar as well, the way he shuddered in the loop of Leif’s arm.

Only Leif’s pack used that term, and in their voices, it carried the heft, the warmth, the reassuring, satisfying awareness of his status. Burden and pleasure both. He was in charge; the pack was his to lead and protect.

He’d never heard an outsider say it, least yet a woman.

The voice said, “Stand down,” and the drake snorted loudly, and pulled back. It – he – settled, half-crouched on its haunches, and the armored knight – the woman – swung gracefully down off his back and landed with a crunch of leaves and a chiming of armor. She reached up with one hand and patted the drake’s shoulder, who in turn craned around to nose at her, crooning an inquiring sound.

“Yes, it’s all right,” she said. “Be a good boy, Alpha.”

Alpha. The word sent chills down the back of Leif’s neck, but it wasn’t meant for him.

Ragnar’s laugh was more of a cough. “Heh. The bloody dragon’s named ‘Alpha.’”

He hadn’t spoken quietly, and the woman turned to face them. She gave the drake’s nose one last pat, then reached to unbuckle and draw off her helm. A dark braid spilled over her shoulder, and her face, once revealed, was familiar.

Ragnar sucked in a sharp breath that became a hiss.