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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

LHM: Proof is Here


My paperback proof for Lord Have Mercy: The Complete Novel arrived yesterday, and its chonky. The Kindle version is 1,609 pages, but the paperback is limited to a more manageable 827 pages. While I was able to squeeze all four parts together within the page limit, the nine-point font is difficult to read. Today, I'm working on shoring up any unnecessary page breaks in the hopes that I'll be able to cut more pages, and then enlarge the font to at least ten, hopefully eleven, which is what I normally use for my paperbacks. I'm a little more than halfway through, and down to 802 pages, so fingers crossed. 

But even if the font has to stay tiny, it'll still be available, and that's better than I expected. So BOLO for an announcement and a link soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Will there be signed copies available or a bookplate?
