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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

#TeaserTuesday: Beware of Dog


“What I was gonna say, before you get all offended for no reason, is that I seriously think you need to talk to your sister about what’s going on.”

That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. She covered her surprise with a dramatic eyeroll. “God, is that all anyone can think to tell me? ‘Call your sister.’ ‘Check in with your sister.’”

He wasn’t deterred. “This shit that’s going on with your friend is heavy.”

“Oh my God.”

“Shut up, brat, I’m being serious. It’s a big deal. The fact that it happened, yeah, but your friend’s a goddamn basket case, and you’re trying to support her all on your own. I think you need to talk to your sister, because I think you need someone to support you.”

“That’s…actually rather sweet.” And it was, as was the way he wrinkled his nose in distaste. “But I’m fine.”


“I’m not bothering Raven with this. Between the baby, and her business, she doesn’t have time for stupid drama.”

His head tilted to a rarely-used imploring angle, the one that reminded her, every time, that he’d seen active combat in the Army, and that he wasn’t the give-a-damn good-time guy his club brothers seemed to think he was. “It’s not stupid, and she would make time for you.”

“No. I said I wasn’t going to bother her, and I’m not.”

“Damn it, Cass,” he sighed, and wiped a hand down his jaw. Evening stubble was coming in, and rasped against his palm. “You need somebody in your corner.”

“I have you.”

He froze, hand halfway lowered, and darted a glance at her through half-lowered lashes.

“Don’t I?”

He blinked. She could see the rapid throb of his pulse in the side of his throat, and wondered what it meant. Then he straightened, arms folded tight—tighter than before, body now strung with tension. “Yeah.” His voice was gruff. “Of course.”


I've been teasing this book rather coyly, I suppose, because I've had some questions about it, so I thought I'd clear them up here.

I'm currently 27k words into book six in the Lean Dogs Legacy series, titled Beware of Dog. It's a story I conceived before Lord Have Mercy was released, and it simply would not leave me alone. So the Dartmoor Series as a whole is still considered complete, and this novel will be part of the spinoff series. It's not a standalone, though you could certainly attempt to tackle it if you're okay not being wholly up to speed on all the past events. 

It takes place in NYC, and stars Walsh's younger sister Cassandra, and her NY Dog bodyguard Shep, who we first met in Long Way Down, and who was tasked with watching out for Raven and Cass in Nothing More. It's a more tightly-focused, personal story, without the overarching drama of the Abacus plotline. Though not nearly as epic in scope, it definitely has some major Fearless vibes. Age gap, protector/charge, charming jerk love interest. It's a fun time. 

There's no release date yet since I'm very much still in the thick of the writing process, but be on the lookout for more teasers and updates for it. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Fearless Read-Along: Chapter Five

 No one cared that he was Felix. 

Chapter Five is on the short side: a quick flashback to fourteen years ago, and a transitional beat between Mercy and Ava's encounter and the church vote from Mercy's POV. Me meet Hound, Rottie, and Troy through his eyes, and witness a little of the whole-club dynamic as everyone files into church. 

As a reread, though, I'm struck by Mercy's melancholy here. The way he, in this moment, and in the past, hasn't always felt like a person within the MC. This is a stark contrast to the beloved husband, son-in-law, brother-in-law, friend and confidante he becomes over the course of the series. By the time we get to Lord Have Mercy, there's no question that he's beloved; that his family and club will kill and sacrifice for him. But in this moment, he is keenly aware of his value as a killer and little else. 

That was the scary part: he wasn't a bit crazy.

Whether he is or isn't insane by clinical standards is irrelevant. Mercy is self-aware, perhaps hyper-self-aware. He knows what he's capable of, and that he doesn't really have an upper limit on brutality, and he also knows that this is a useful quality for the club. He doesn't and hasn't ever resented his club brothers for being squeamish by comparison. While he's confident in some arenas, he's got a low sense of self-worth when it comes to the more personal and emotional aspects of life. 

This is why Ava makes such an impact on him. When she's little, he's delighted that she isn't frightened of him, and instead seeks him out. The fact that she finds safety and comfort in his presence fills a very specific, unacknowledged need for him. This eventually blossoms into romantic feelings. Through every stage of their relationship, Ava is the one who makes him feel like a person: loved, needed, valued for his personality and the abundance of love he has to give. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Fearless Hardback Giveaway!

 It's giveaway time!

What: 5 hardback copies of Dartmoor Book One, Fearless

When: Now - April 10th, 2025

Who: anyone! 

To celebrate ten years of Fearless, and the new hardback edition, I'm giving away five signed copies! 

To enter, go to my author Facebook page to comment on the giveaway post. If you don't have a Facebook account, then tell me so in a comment here and I'll add your name to the list of entrants over on FB. 

Winners will be chosen at random on April 10th.

Thank you, all, and good luck! 

If you'd like to purchase a hardback copy of Fearless, you can find it here.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

#TeaserTuesday: Cass and Shep


Back to lightly tip-tapping away at this as I recover from a hellish cold. If you're thinking "wait, Lauren, really?" about this me, it's gonna work, and work well. 😉

“What about Sig?”

“What about him?”

“Did you beat him up?”

Something squealed. A locker door, she thought. “What the hell kind of name is Sig?”

“That’s lovely. Avoid the question.”

“Maybe he should go with ‘Stick.’ Have you seen his arms? What’s the opposite of gains?”


“Yeah, okay! Okay.”

She waited.

And waited some more.


His voice was low and tight and nervous, she thought, when he said, “Did you really think that could happen to you and I wouldn’t send a message?”



Did he…?

He did that for her?

“Where are you?” he cut in. “Do not tell me you’re hanging out with that guy again.”

“No. I’m…” she hesitated, because she hadn’t expected to explain any of this to him over the phone. “I’m at the hospital.”


Monday, March 3, 2025

Fearless Read-Along: Chapter Four


*Slithers out of my coffin to offer you this one week late and not as detailed as I'd hoped because I'm still sick. Ugh.*

There's lots of little gems in this chapter - which I believe is the longest one yet - but the two scenes that stand out as most important in my mind are the first one, the flashback where Ava recalls hiding in the chapel; and her scene with Mercy at the end. 

The prose in the chapel scene is intentionally lush, ripe with details, as a means of carrying forward the mythical tone of the overall narrative. There are places, terribly ordinary places, that we visit as children, and in our minds, they become as spectacular and fascinating as Versailles. The chapel was one such place for Ava as a child, and that's precisely why I chose to write it for the first time from her 8-year-old POV. The level of detail here shows the reader that she isn't a dispassionate observer; likewise, it again highlights how much the club, and her past, means to her still. This place is knitted into her bones, and she'll never shake it off. 

This scene is also the first time she meets Mercy. Absolutely nothing untoward happens, but I still was very aware that showing their age difference in this way would raise some reader hair. At every turn with this book, I strove to "go there." The life these characters lead isn't legal or comfortable, so I never tried to draw those hard lines along their personal lives. 

This chapter as a whole shows Ava's (erroneous) assumptions about never having truly belonged with the club. Her seeing herself as "only" a daughter, rather than an old lady, isn't a statement from me about social hierarchy or worthiness, but a personal fear of Ava's, before, by the end of the book, she comes fully into her own. Likewise, Mercy seems like an ass in this chapter, because neither Ava nor the readers have yet been privy to his heartache and real feelings. 

Recall the Nietzche quote from chapter one: it's all about perspective, and so far, ours, and Ava's, is limited. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Fearless Read-Along: Chapter Three


"Never forget how small you are, Felix. When a man starts thinking he can control the beast, that's when She swallows him whole. No one remembers his name; he ain't nothin' but bleached bone washing up amongst the reeds, bits of him deep in the belly of a gator somewhere along the slimy bottom."

Like Chapter One, Chapter Three is putting in the work with this book. In Chapter Three, we finally, properly, meet Mercy.

Nothing about him surprised most anyone, really. 

One of the things I'm doing as we go along with this reread is address some of the cutting, usually hilarious bits of criticism the book, and I, have received over the past decade. Not because I have an axe to grind, but because I'm hoping to offer some insight into my process, and explain the mindfulness behind all the little creative choices in the novel. One such funny critique was - paraphrasing here - "Why should I care about alligators?" I wrote this post about it last year, so I won't rehash it all, but it's a very intentional choice in Chapter Three to introduce Mercy's POV with a glimpse at his childhood. Mercy is an unlikely combo of childishly sweet and extravagantly enthusiastic about violence. I don't think that characterization works without understanding the ways his early years were his most formative. 

Mercy's a strange bird. I researched the current MC romance trends back in 2014 when I started writing, saw the man-of-few-words, grunting, woman-ordering-around stereotypes, and swerved hard in the other direction. With all the guys, but mostly with Mercy. If I was going to write a Southern Epic, I was going to write a Southern Epic Byronic hero to go with it. My Cajun Heathcliff crossed with a modern Rhett Butler. His Cheerfully Murderous personality is 100% inspired by my now-departed dog, Viktor. 

A visit to the swamp of the past is a slow start here...but it all comes back in the end, and it's an essential part of understanding Mercy. 

Our other big introduction here is, of course, Ghost. 

Though a few inches shorter, Ghost was an imposing figure in his own right. The kind of man who made taller men want to bend their knees so they were on the same level. Lean and hard with muscle, his parentage of Aidan had never been in question: the same strong nose, dark hair and eyes, low brows that gave him a perpetual scowl, and a firm jaw that was always grinding. He’d boxed in the army, and he still had a fighter’s wide shoulders and catlike grace. Ghost never fidgeted; he had no nervous tics. He occupied a room with such indomitable presence, a radiant, unaffected confidence that was a part of his every fiber, and never a show.

Writing Ghost has always been fun, because I've always greatly enjoyed his role within the story, and have always spun him in a way that I knew would make readers dislike him. Let's be blunt: he's an asshole. But it was super important to me to showcase a couple of things, especially early on:

Firstly, that he's not going to be the same sort of president James was. He cares about the success and viability of his club beyond the social aspects. Lots of guys love to talk about being an outlaw, and playing by their own rules, but Ghost has the ambition and the ruthless savvy to back it up. In all honesty, I hope no one expected an MC president to be a nice guy

I also wanted to show a clear juxtaposition between Mercy's dad's "Daddy" bonhomie, and Ghost's relentless practicality and total disregard for niceties. It's something that will, ten years later, be echoed quite satisfyingly in Lord Have Mercy when Mercy stands up at church and says that there are times he's wanted to strangle Ghost, but that he loves him better than he loved his own father. That's a big deal. 

One last parting note: I love this line, because it's Mercy acknowledging what we'll all soon learn about Ava:

It seemed only fitting that as Ghost became the new president, Maggie would finally take her rightful place as queen of the MC.

               Ava didn’t know it yet, but she had that same steel in her.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fearless Read-Along: Unconditional


Tomorrow we move on to Chapter Three in our read-along, so get your final Chapter Two questions, comments, observations, etc. in at the FB discussion group (there's obviously not a real time limit, you can ask about anything at any time). 

Today's post - later than intended thanks to a storm and a ten-hour power outage, yikes! - isn't so much focused on Chapter Two as on Ava and Mercy in general. Y'all had some great observations this week, specifically with regard to the Valentine's post. 

I loved hearing which romance in the Dartmoor Series was everyone's favorite. Lots of Ava/Mercy votes, as expected, but a fair number of Ghost/Maggie, Michael/Holly, Walsh/Emmie, and Reese/Tenny, too. I love seeing that variation, because I've always sought to showcase different relationship dynamics and character archetypes throughout the series, knowing everyone has different tastes. But even so, Mercy and Ava's love story sticks out; it feels more "epic" and cinematic than some of the others, and I think - and y'all awesomely pointed out! - that that's down to the unlikely and unconditional nature of their romance. 

Mercy and Ava are rare in that they quite literally know everything about one another. In part because Mercy was around while Ava was growing up, but also because, in the back half of Fearless, Mercy entrusts Ava with the dark side of his family history. She of course already knows all about the dark things he's willing to do for the club, and for her. There's no secrets between them, and they're both very, very secure in one another's love and affection. They aren't hiding anything from one another. Neither of them thinks about being unfaithful or is otherwise tempted in any way.

Whatever else is happening around them, there's never any doubt that they'll do absolutely anything it takes for one another and their family. That's a rare thing in real life, I think, and it's what makes their relationship so special. 

It's also a perhaps more extreme echo of Ghost and Maggie's relationship. Ghost is gruff and unpoetic, and as a couple they're longer-established and less demonstrative than Mercy and Ava are in the beginning, but Maggie and Ghost are just as ride-or-die for one another, something Aidan's unpleasantly reminded of in Lord Have Mercy

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Book Birthday to College Town


It's Valentine's Day, and the one-year bookiversary of College Town. Mired deep in the middle of writing Lord Have Mercy, at that stage in a book that size when it feels as though it will never end, I was struck by a sudden burst of unrelated inspiration, and ended up writing a standalone M/M romance that not only helped me work through some sticky places in LHM, but became my favorite project of the year. 

It features a second-chance romance between childhood sweethearts, some mafia action, and a surprise twist ending. You can grab a copy here, or at B&N or Kobo, and there's also a follow-up novella told from Tommy's POV, A Cure for Recovery. Both are perfect short and spicy-sweet V-Day reads. 


Welcome to Eastman, home of the Eastman University Eagles. They’ve got twelve bars, twice as many coffeeshops, and Lawson Granger’s probably going to die behind the counter of Coffee Town, watching all the bright young people in town get their degrees and get on with their lives. He’s not miserable, exactly, but between working retail, writing books that’ll never get published, and helping take care of his infirm father, his life’s running a little short on joy. He has his family, though, and his best friend, Dana, and dreaming about being published is somehow better than accepting that he never will be.

Then the boy who broke his heart twenty years ago walks into the shop one day and throws Lawson’s entire small world into chaos. Tommy Cattaneo grew up handsome. And rich, clearly, judging by his suit, and his watch, and his chauffeured Lincoln. If Lawson’s shocked to see him, Tommy is dumbfounded. Lawson’s happy to pretend they’re strangers, despite the traitorous racing of his heart, but Tommy is adamant that they talk. He wants to explain why he left town suddenly…and returned twenty years later, with a beautiful fiancée, and a mansion, and a wardrobe that costs more than Lawson’s car.

When it becomes clear that Tommy means to stay in town for a while, and that he won’t take no for an answer, Lawson agrees to hear him out. Just once, and then he can lay his old heartache to rest. It’s probably a stupid excuse, anyway. I mean, t’s not like Tommy’s in the mafia…right?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

#WorkshopWednesday: Nonlinear

Chapter One lays down a lot of foreshadowing, and Chapter Two ups the ante. By this point, it's very clear that something's gone down in the past between Mercy and Ava. But there are also lots of little hints about Ava's upbringing, the club's history, and even Tango's dark past. In a different sort of novel, this could merely be foreshadowing as a shorthand backstory. But this is me, and my favorite literary device is the nonlinear narrative structure. 

You'd be hard-pressed to find one of my books that doesn't include flashbacks. (I think the Drakes are straight-up linear, so that's something.) The most common criticism of the "Then" and "Now" technique is that frequent or lengthy flashbacks disrupt forward momentum, and force readers to flip back because they've forgotten where the present-day story line left off before the flashback began. Valid criticisms, but criticisms I'm willing to risk because, for me, a linear narrative can just as easily be struck down by a case of "what's the point?" In a novel of this size and scope, a linear storytelling structure can start to feel like an endless slog. 

With Fearless specifically, it was important to me that I show, explicitly and in detail, Mercy and Ava's first doomed romance when she was seventeen. Because it's taboo, and shocking, and ends badly, I felt like readers needed to walk through step-by-step with Mercy and Ava in order to understand just how much they mean to one another. Seeing it firsthand builds more empathy for their unlikely situation than summarizing it in a couple paragraphs. I could have started in the past, and written straight through to the present day, but I feel like that would have made the book feel longer and less accessible. Readers would go through that whole roller coaster with Mercy and Ava, be left sad and disappointed, then see there were four-hundred more pages to go in the book. I think lots of people, having experienced one denouement, would have set the book aside, and might not have returned to it. 

By starting in the present day and introducing a juicy new conflict and a scary enemy, it establishes intrigue from the very first. Readers can then safely enjoy the large flashback portion of the book knowing that Ava and Mercy will reunite five years later. That they'll be back in one another's orbit, still drawn to each other, and with much more story to tell. 

In this way, the beginning of the book hooks you in; the second part gives you the sordid history, so you'll understand why things are so dramatic now; then parts three and four carry us home. I genuinely can't imagine writing it a different way. I think the nonlinear narrative style allows you more leeway with backstory, rather than less. I think it makes the novel richer in the long run. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

#TeaserTuesday: AOTE Cover Reveal


“I want to believe you.” That was far too candid, but she was past the point of caring.

He nodded. “I understand why you don’t.”

Amelia frowned, and massaged at the tension that sprouted in the center of her forehead. “Gods…why are you so bloody agreeable all the time? I hate it.” When she gapped her fingers and peered through them, she saw that the slight frown he’d worn the past few minutes had turned the other direction. His lips formed the barest upward curve, more a neutral expression than a true smile, but something bright had come into his eyes.

“I’ve never actually been part of an argument before,” he said, like a confession.

She snorted. “No free will, no romance, no arguing, hm?”


Tired of holding it, arm full of pins and needles, Amelia laid the sword carefully on the ground, within reach should she need it. She rested her elbow on her knee, and cupped her chin in her hand. “I should kill you, you know.”

He nodded, and looked neither surprised nor alarmed. “You’d be within your rights, both as an Aquitainian and the commander of this army.”

“See?” She sat up, and gestured at him with both hands, frustrated, tired, bloody sick of making decisions and then wondering if they were the right decisions. “Agreeable. Too agreeable. What sort of man says ‘yes, my lady, you’d be within your rights to kill me?’ This is why I don’t trust you. Why you must be spying on us.”

He waited a beat, seeing if she was done, she supposed. Her too-quick, open-mouthed breathing filled the tent, and she clamped her lips shut tight.

When she was quiet, he said, “It’s as I’ve said before: I don’t wish to be a Sel any longer. Not to be a Selesee slave, at any rate. I want to be free. And I believe helping you is the only way I can be.”

A part of Amelia wanted to scream.

A larger part of her wanted to tip over onto the cot, curl up, and sleep for three days.

She did neither, but said, “When was the last time someone offered you water?”


#TeaserTuesday: LDL 6


So hot off the press it doesn't even have a title yet. I started planning this before I broke ground on Lord Have Mercy, and, unfortunately, it won't leave me alone. This one scales back to a more intimate, personal conflict, a little more romance-focused, less club-takes-on-the-world. We're back in New York with the youngest of Devin's brood, set three years after Nothing More


Shep expected an interrogation, and wasn’t disappointed. The second they heard a door click shut down the hall, Toly turned to him, eyes nothing but dark slits, jaw set at a tense angle. The whole effect was ruined by the squirming baby on his shoulder and the disaster of his hair, but Shep was going to enjoy that rather than point it out.

“Where was she?”

“Sounding awful fatherly there, Moscow,” Shep drawled.

Toly exhaled forcefully and didn’t deign to repeat himself. He was serious, Shep saw, and he could respect that; in this case, he was serious, too.

He dropped the asshole act. “Big white townhouse on the UWS. She was sitting on the sidewalk when I got there, halfway to hypothermic, and some little punkass was trying to give her something in a Solo cup.” His hand clenched on empty air at the memory of seeing her like that, clearly incapacitated, weaving where she sat in an inelegant heap on the cold concrete, some chinless little shit looming in her face and waving around more drugs in a cup. “When she called, she was slurring and out of it. She said she only had three sips and shouldn’t have been drunk.”

Toly’s expression darkened. “And you believed her?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“She just lied straight to my face.”

“Yeah, well, she doesn’t lie to me.”

Toly opened his mouth…and then closed it. A groove appeared between his black brows.

Shep found that he didn’t want to backtrack or otherwise diffuse the statement. It was true, and he liked that it was. In fact, it felt satisfying to define it out loud that way. Maybe she was a little shit, but she didn’t feed him fibs the way she did other people. He got the truth; it almost felt, strangely, satisfyingly, like he’d earned that truth.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fearless Read-Along: Chapter Two


             “What’s wrong with you? You were fine, and then you just weren’t.” His head dipped, his eyes bright and knowing. “When your brother mentioned whoever that Mercy person is – that is a person, right? And not the dog? I honest to God can’t tell.”

               She felt her lips form a smile, but she was deep inside her own head, somewhere back behind her face and whatever mannequin expression it managed to propel toward him. “I’m just tired,” she said. “There’s nothing wrong.”

               “Okay, clearly, I don’t know jack shit about all this biker nonsense” – a part of her recoiled against that phrasing – “but I know you well enough to know that something’s up. It was like someone flipped a switch back there at the…the…”


               “Yeah.” He reached for a lock of her dark brown hair and gave it a little tug. “You’re not yourself.”

               Maybe, she thought bitterly, you don’t know when I’m being “myself.” You wouldn’t like me if you ever saw the real me

Reading this chapter was an exercise in what my mom likes to call giving myself some grace, because I wanted to rewrite the entire thing. I wouldn't change anything that happens, that's all fine and necessary, but I very much wanted to change the way I describe all of it. I think that's going to be something that plagues me through the read-along. It's been ten years, and I'm a stronger, better writer now...but now is not the time to invest time and effort into the herculean task of rewriting this monster. I'm choosing to see it as a net positive that, ten years later, I've grown enough as a writer to see where I would tighten and adjust my old work. 

Anyway. Chapter Two introduces us to some more major players, chiefly Maggie and Carter. The queen is busy getting the clubhouse set up for the big party, and we also meet her fellow old ladies. It was a little surreal to see Ava thinking of herself as not being one of them: she's still unattached to a Dog here, and after ten years of writing her as Mrs. Lecuyer, it's startling to go back to the time before. 

I said in the FB group last week that I think Maggie is one of the characters who changes the least over the course of the series, and I definitely stand by that statement. As much as I love writing characters who struggle, and who overcome, and who learn about themselves and their families in the process, this ragtag group of characters needs a rock, and that's Mags. I don't think she ever lets anyone down over the course of ten books...although, to be fair, Aidan's a little bummed after LHM for obvious reasons. He gets it, but it still stings. 

Speaking of struggling, poor Carter's in a not-great place here in Chapter Two. His dreams of a bright future have been shattered, and he's more than a little lost in life, searching for a purpose. I think that's something that attracts men to outlaw MCs in real life - that need for a purpose, feeling out of options and shut out from society - and it's something I tried to bring to life with Dartmoor. No one successful and well-adjusted prospected with the club, though many of them ended up that way after patching in. 

Anyone reading Fearless for the first time probably feels bad for Ronnie at this point. Ava isn't acting like herself - or she isn't acting like the version of herself Ronnie has always known. Chapter Two is the beginning of the end for them: every second spent in Knoxville she feels more divided, and his insistence that something is wrong only makes her resent him more. In this chapter, we see Ronnie starting to push back against her emotional whiplash.

Of course, knowing what I do about Ronnie, it's hard for me to feel too bad for him. 

In Chapter Two, we "lay eyes" on Mercy, but we don't see Ava interact with him. It was important to me that he stand out physically in his scene to really drive home what a blow the sight of him is for Ava. I'll admit, and I think it's obvious in the glimpse we catch of him through Ava's eyes here, that I did not initially envision Jason Momoa when crafting Mercy. There's only a tiny handful of characters I had actors in mind for from the start, and Mercy wasn't one of them. But my friend Lisa mentioned him in the early days of Dartmoor, and it caught on quick with readers. At this point, I think Jason's the universally accepted head-canon, and his real-life personality is a good fit for Mercy. 

Comments, questions? Drop them below, or head over to the FB group to join the book club discussion! Grab a copy of the book if you haven't and read along with us! 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Fearless Chapter One: Breadcrumbs


Chapter One breadcrumb moment:
"The straps just covered the tiny tattoo on the top of her left foot."
Some books are very free-wheeling, and I feel things out as I go. But all the main plot beats of Fearless were nailed down before I started writing, so it was an exercise in dropping all the breadcrumbs at the right moments.
Folding backstory into the current narrative of a story is one of my favorite challenges. Through seemingly innocuous dropped comments and well-timed flashbacks, you slowly reveal a character's history rather than info-dumping. And that process, no matter how fleshed out my notes and outlines ahead of time, is always an exercise in "feel." I always want it to seem organic, and it's hard to know when the right moment will occur until you're in it. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Fearless Chapter One: First vs. Last Lines


I thought it would be fun to look at the very first and very last lines of the three main characters introduced in Chapter One. I'm struck by the sheer wealth and breadth of what takes place between seemingly throwaway tidbits of dialogue. Aidan's last line winds up being the funniest by default. Ava's last line is the perfect, final cherry on top of the Dartmoor sundae, the ultimate summation of the ending of the whole series: so very much has happened, but now everyone's home. And my favorite last line, and one of my favorite scenes in the whole series, belongs to Tango. "I'm glad you're not dead." Because this girl doesn't write tragedies. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Fearless Chapter One: Setting


Yesterday we kicked off the Fearless read-along, in which I'll focus on one chapter per week. You can visit yesterday's post for all the info and links to the discussion group. I'm hoping to make this the most comprehensive look back at the book to date, so all your comments and questions are welcome. 

Chapter One does a lot of heavy lifting, and that's by design, because I knew this book was going to be a massive endeavor from the start. One of the many things the first chapter does is establish the setting - or both settings, as it were. 

We get a mention of New Orleans, which I made Mercy's birthplace because I love Anne Rice. Her Vampire Chronicles brought that city to life for me in such a way that I knew I wanted to visit it with my own writing. My version is a little less Mayfair and a lot more swamp, but its storied, supernatural aura lends itself perfectly to the mythical aspects of this novel, and the series as a whole. 

I chose Knoxville for several reasons. I wanted the club's mother chapter to be based in a Southern city, but not my own, and not one as bustling as Nashville or Atlanta. Knoxville certainly has its own energy and attractions, but it's not as well-known as tourist stops like Memphis. It has a smaller feel, and I think that allows the Dogs to have a larger, more influential presence, rather than be swallowed up by a major landmark. Plus, I have family ties to the city. My mom's family is from there originally, and the orange blood runs strong. 

I use some real city sties in the book, but the main settings, like the Dartmoor property, Bell Bar, and the bakery Mercy lives above are all fictional. 

Given Mercy's boating past, the Tennessee River is one of those unlooked-for bonuses that happen sometimes in writing. A wonderful and useful coincidence. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Fearless Read-Along: Chapter One

Welcome to the 2025 Fearless read-along! Starting today, I'm hosting a read-along of the big monster that started it all, book one in my outlaw motorcycle club series, Fearless. If you've been here a while, chances are you've read the book, but maybe it's been a while. If you're new, I hope you'll enjoy your first trip to Knoxville and NOLA in the company of my motley crew. 

Fearless turned ten last month. TEN. We've had a decade of Dogs, and that's hard to wrap my head around, honestly. I've posted about it at length during that time, offering bonus "footage," insider info, and full debriefings of new releases. I started a read-along of the whole series in 2020, and then sort of speed-ran it and didn't go into great detail once Covid hit. This time, I want to really take my time and foster a book club atmosphere where I can revisit the book - I haven't read the whole thing in years - reflect back, answer questions, and participate in conversation. 

Whether you read ahead, or simply want to participate in the chats, I'll be focusing on one chapter per week (there's 53!). I'll do a blog write-up that I'll post here and try my best to respond to everyone's comments. I've also started a Public Facebook group for faster back-and-forth. 

Here's where you can participate: 

  • Right here on the blog.
  • On my Instagram: @hppress
  • In the Facebook group: HERE

If you need to grab a copy of your own, or send one to a friend, you can find it HERE

I hope you'll all join me! It should be fun. 

Let's kick it off with Chapter One...There will be spoilers, so beware...

I'll be honest and say that reading my own work is always a surreal experience. It's uncomfortable, most of the time, like being forced to look at photos of myself, which I hate; I would like to not be perceived in physical form, thank you very much. Reading my own words makes me self-conscious, and cracking open Fearless last night was no exception. I can definitely see the ways my writing has grown and improved in the past ten years; it would be alarming if it hadn't. There are sentences I would tweak or even eliminate if I wrote the same story now. 

But you know what? I was actually really excited by Chapter One. It's been so long that it felt like reading a stranger's work. It gave me a little of that tight-stomached excitement I always love to discover in the early chapters of a really fat book. That excitement that comes with realizing that I'm going to enjoy this big, fat book. That the author's voice is one that clicks with me. When I know there's so much more to come, and I can't wait to get to it. 

“There are no facts, only interpretations.” 

This chapter establishes so much of what I wanted to get across with the book as a whole. The Nietzsche quote to start us off is a caution sign: these characters are outlaws. Unapologetic counter-culture lawbreakers who make their own rules whether anyone likes that or not. Through Nietzsche's words, I'm asking the readers to set aside all their own interpretations of life, of right and wrong, to shed their personal moral codes, and take a walk in this family's shoes. If you go with them, that quote cautions, you should expect to see the world differently in their company. 

It was vitally important to me to do two things with Chapter One. The first was to highlight the fact that Ava might be struggling to straddle the dividing line between two worlds, that college has affected her, and she wants to belong in that world...but that she isn't now, nor has she ever been ashamed of her MC origins. I think it would be easy to portray her as someone clinging desperately to her new life, to show her reject club life, but that's not her. She's a club girl first, everything else second, and so the drive through Knoxville to get to Dartmoor brings all that home life roaring back to the forefront. 

The second big goal was to establish this novel as one that is intentionally old-fashioned. I started writing it because someone from my fanfic days reached out to let me know that my old abandoned fics were being harvested for parts by several self-published romance authors, and asked if those ideas were "up for grabs." They weren't. I decided to harvest my own parts, and create my own biker series, and instead of taking the then-current trend at face value, I decided I wanted to write a Southern epic. One of those lush and sprawling, unhurried, Gothic romances of the eighties and nineties that couldn't seem to settle on a genre, and which were bursting with sensory details and rich settings. Books that were events. I wanted it to feel cinematic, highly visual, and for each character POV to be realistically biased; these were their stories as they wished to tell them, actions seen through their eyes. I knew this style wouldn't be for everyone, but it gave me the room to write a novel that was both an action/adventure thriller, and an epic love story told through multiple points of view. I had wiggle room....and I set out to use it. 

One trait of the Southern epic that I don't think is exclusive to Southern writers, but which is certainly typical, is the habit of tucking stories inside of other stories. Current actions bring to mind past events and previous acquaintances for the characters, just like our own memories are triggered by our daily lives in real life. 

Here in Chapter One, Ava looks at Ronnie, and thinks how her grandmother would approve of him, which of course makes her think of the ways her grandmother never approved of Ghost, and how Maggie doesn't care. It's just a few lines, but it's already layering the characterization in; before you ever see Maggie, you know what sort of woman she is based on these lines. 

He was, quite honestly, a dreamboat.

That’s what her grandmother would have said. Grammie Lowe, Maggie’s mother, had been repulsed by Ghost, and all the MC boys, from the get go. “Trash,” she always said, even within Ava’s hearing, something which Maggie and her mother had fought about endlessly.  “They’re Ava’s family,” Maggie had hissed. “Don’t you dare try to turn her against them, or make her feel ashamed of where she comes from.”

Maggie had never felt shame, not once. 

Speaking of layering: I really wanted to start with just Ava, and then layer everyone else in bit by bit. We start with Aidan and Tango here, and it's fun to go back and read that, even when they bicker, Aidan and Ava do truly love each other. Aidan was old enough when she was born to be a helpful older sibling, and it makes his head spin a little that she's all grown up now. He's going to give her crap, but he'd take a bullet for her any day. 

Another Southern epic thing: making the setting mythic. I don't know if any of the natives would describe Knoxville, TN as one of those almost-otherworldly cities, but given the Old West/Knights of the Roundtable mythos surrounding biker clubs, it felt appropriate here. 


Knoxville, Tennessee.  Between Interstate 40 and the Tennessee River, it flourished beneath a veneer of Southern pride and university spirit, lying in the shadows of the blue humped backs of the Appalachians. It had the privilege of being both a bustling city, and a college town. There was orange everywhere. A bright Vols orange. The football games pulled in a certain amount of tourists, as did the vibrant bar scene, the shopping, the restaurants, and the gleaming black river that wound through the Tennessee hills like a heavy cottonmouth snake.

Ava cracked the windows and breathed deep. “Smell that,” she said.

“Fish and river water?” Ronnie asked.

Undeterred, she shook her head and kept smiling. “That’s home.”

And then the most magical sound reached her ears: bikes.

I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about Ronnie, here. Poor Ronnie. (Not.) Some of the criticism of Ava stems from the notion that she "toys" with Ronnie. That she's leading him on. The reality is that, without knowing how much Mercy still loves her, with no knowledge that it was Ghost who forced them apart, she spent her college years hurting and loving Mercy, but without any hope of ever being with him. She really does want to make things work with Ronnie. She tried - and that worked while they were still in Georgia. But she's 22, gosh, that's young, and naive in certain respects, and she underestimated just how badly her relationship with Ronnie would blow up, his true identity notwithstanding. Her intentions here at the beginning are pure...but being back with the family would have driven them apart eventually even if Mercy wasn't still around. I wanted to show her taking a chance on what she would label a "real, mature relationship." I think that's realistic and likely, and it also gives us a chance to see the struggle in trying to belong to two worlds. 

We end the chapter with Aidan dropping the bomb that Mercy's in town. I love that it's Aidan who tells her: that brother/sister bond again. That worry on his part, because none of his brothers were going to tell her. Sidenote: the club as a whole softens considerably toward all of the women as the series goes along, and that's an intentional slow shift. 

“Oh, hey,” Aidan called from behind her.

She paused and half-turned. “What?”

Aidan’s expression lost its teasing aggression and became serious, unusually so. “NOLA’s in the house.”

New Orleans. The city that was the birthplace, former and current home of…

She sucked in a breath through her teeth, unprepared for the sudden ferocious stab of pain in her belly. The hurt that came spilling out of her heart and began to boil in her insides. Heartbreak was never cured; it just went into remission. And here it came roaring back, leaving her feverish and weak and unable to move in the bright afternoon sun.

It took her three tries before she wet her lips and said, “So what do I care?”

“No one else was going to warn you.” Because the club didn’t worry about the hurt feelings of one member’s daughter. No amount of personal bullshit could touch the MC…well, it wasn’t supposed to, anyway. Aidan, as he studied her, became almost sympathetic, his features tight and somber as he gauged her reaction. “But I thought you should know that he’s here.”

And that's Chapter One! Next week, we actually go inside the clubhouse. 

You can head over to the FB group or leave comments/questions here or on my Insta. Thanks for being here! 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Fearless Read-Along, Anyone?


Happy Monday and Happy February!

Given it's V-Day month, and given that, last month, Fearless officially turned TEN YEARS OLD - holy crap, it's been a DECADE - I was curious if anyone was interested in doing a read-along. I started one back in Jan of 2020, and then the Covid crazy hit, and things got kind of disorganized.
Drop a comment below if you're up for it.
I want this time to be MUCH more organized on my end, going one chapter at a time. I'm thinking a chapter a week. The plan will be to write a blog post that I put up each Monday, and then we can have a discussion/you guys can ask questions from there.
Should I make an FB group for it? I'm trying to decide how best to consolidate it and collaborate across my 3 main socmed outlets.
Let me know! I'd love for this to be the most in-depth, BTS look at the book ever.