“What I was gonna say, before you get all offended for no reason, is that I seriously think you need to talk to your sister about what’s going on.”
That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. She covered her surprise with a dramatic eyeroll. “God, is that all anyone can think to tell me? ‘Call your sister.’ ‘Check in with your sister.’”
He wasn’t deterred. “This shit that’s going on with your friend is heavy.”
“Oh my God.”
“Shut up, brat, I’m being serious. It’s a big deal. The fact that it happened, yeah, but your friend’s a goddamn basket case, and you’re trying to support her all on your own. I think you need to talk to your sister, because I think you need someone to support you.”
“That’s…actually rather sweet.” And it was, as was the way he wrinkled his nose in distaste. “But I’m fine.”
“I’m not bothering Raven with this. Between the baby, and her business, she doesn’t have time for stupid drama.”
His head tilted to a rarely-used imploring angle, the one that reminded her, every time, that he’d seen active combat in the Army, and that he wasn’t the give-a-damn good-time guy his club brothers seemed to think he was. “It’s not stupid, and she would make time for you.”
“No. I said I wasn’t going to bother her, and I’m not.”
“Damn it, Cass,” he sighed, and wiped a hand down his jaw. Evening stubble was coming in, and rasped against his palm. “You need somebody in your corner.”
“I have you.”
He froze, hand halfway lowered, and darted a glance at her through half-lowered lashes.
“Don’t I?”
He blinked. She could see the rapid throb of his pulse in the side of his throat, and wondered what it meant. Then he straightened, arms folded tight—tighter than before, body now strung with tension. “Yeah.” His voice was gruff. “Of course.”
I've been teasing this book rather coyly, I suppose, because I've had some questions about it, so I thought I'd clear them up here.
I'm currently 27k words into book six in the Lean Dogs Legacy series, titled Beware of Dog. It's a story I conceived before Lord Have Mercy was released, and it simply would not leave me alone. So the Dartmoor Series as a whole is still considered complete, and this novel will be part of the spinoff series. It's not a standalone, though you could certainly attempt to tackle it if you're okay not being wholly up to speed on all the past events.
It takes place in NYC, and stars Walsh's younger sister Cassandra, and her NY Dog bodyguard Shep, who we first met in Long Way Down, and who was tasked with watching out for Raven and Cass in Nothing More. It's a more tightly-focused, personal story, without the overarching drama of the Abacus plotline. Though not nearly as epic in scope, it definitely has some major Fearless vibes. Age gap, protector/charge, charming jerk love interest. It's a fun time.
There's no release date yet since I'm very much still in the thick of the writing process, but be on the lookout for more teasers and updates for it.