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Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 Wrap-Up

I drafted this post an embarrassing number of times yesterday, each more detailed and ridiculous than the last, and finally just tossed them all out. No matter how I approached it, the post was a semi-ranty throat punch, in which it became clear how hollowed-out and overtired, and joyless I've felt about writing this year. 2020 kicked everyone's ass, and, for me,  it arrived on the heels of three years of feeling less and less like anything I was doing actually mattered. This spring, I realized it was time to step back, stop posting, stop talking about writing, stop putting any part of myself out there, and just write. And write, and write, and write. I could offer nothing in the way of joy or hope to anyone, but I could offer a few stories. 

The end result is a personal record of six published works this year, over 540k words. I don't  know when or if I'll return to having an online presence again. I still feel incredibly frustrated, and incredibly numb, and just...tired. And, ultimately, expressing myself beyond my published words never leads to anything good. So.

Here's a quick recap of this year's offerings, if you'd like to lose yourself in a book for a little while:

May: Lone Star - Dartmoor book 7..

June: King Among the Dead - Hell Theory book 1 (a new horror/dystopian erotica series that I started on a whim after reading The Mirror & The Light but which contains my sharpest prose by far of the year).

August: Homecoming - Dartmoor book 8, with a side of extra smut.

September: Night In A Waste Land - Hell Theory book 2

October: Mystic Wonderful - Hell Theory tie-in novella

December: Heart of Winter - Drake Chronicles book 1 (high fantasy romance with dragons and multiple pairings, and all the feels)

Who knew you could start two brand new series in the midst of a pandemic? I've got another very full publishing schedule for 2021, and there's lots to look forward to on that front. Stay safe, everyone, Happy New Year, and be on the lookout for new books. 


  1. All great and tucked under my belt! You are an author! Not everyone that writes books can claim that title! Be proud of the art you have crafted and thank you for keeping me and others distracted from the crashing of the world around us. Please keep writing.

  2. I am so grateful that you continue to write and share with us. Your books were one of the bright things in this dark year for me.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us. Take care, and we all are hoping for better times in the new year.

  4. Your books are amazing and bring me happiness! Thank you for writing and sharing these amazing and different worlds you create with all of us!
