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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Springing Forward

Daylight Savings Time!!! Am I the only one who loves it? I won't miss that extra hour for a second if the sun stays up longer. I'm a summer-lover, and when the time changes, I know it's not too far off.

We're having one of those March fake-out weekends: 75 degrees, brilliant sunshine, birds chirping. Viktor has been so serene and mellow the last few days, enjoying the warm weather; when Viktor's unhappy, ain't nobody happy, let me tell you.

I say fake-out, though, because it'll get bitter cold again; this is an illusion of spring. Last week, the farm looked like this:

So I'll enjoy today while I can.

Spring is a time for rejuvenation; time for green things to grow; time for births and fresh starts. It always energizes me. Which is a good thing, because I've got a list:

 - I'm mailing out giveaway books this week. I'll post on FB when they are safely in the mail and headed to your hands. I'm excited to share signed copies of this monstrously big book with fans, and with some new readers, who will hopefully and enjoy Mercy and Ava's twisted journey.

- I'm working on the last chapter of Angels, and then it's off to editing. Release day is just around the corner, y'all! This book has been unexpected in so many ways; I've been misty-eyed while writing parts of it; I hope that means it'll pull at you too.

- The promised Russell short story "Green Like the Water" is coming in April. After Angels, I will dedicate some time to finishing it, and getting it posted. I love the short story tie-ins because they give readers the option of skipping the fluffy little adventures if they don't want to read them. I would also love to do a Dartmoor short story, bridging books 2 and 3, to talk about family and baby things.

I hope the weather is lovely wherever you are. Bring on spring!

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