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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Flowers for Mothers' Day

My mom has instilled in me a love of flowers, of living, growing things, animals and birds and butterflies. The horse bug is contagious - I got it from her, passed down from one generation to the next. She has been, through the years, my cheerleader when I wouldn't cheer for myself. My shoulder to cry on. My courage. She can back a trailer, drive a tractor, and cook like nobody's business. She's a domestic mom and a horse show mom and a farm mom. She's the first person to read all of my books. She encourages me tirelessly. As of Friday, when my little brother passed his last class, she's the mom of two college grads, and I always hope that someday we'll both make her proud.

I'm truly blessed to have her for a mother. Love you, Mom. Thank you for all the things for which I can never say thank you enough.


1 comment:

  1. Lauren,
    What a lucky mom I am! I am blessed with two intelligent, witty, hardworking children. You are different in a lot of ways, but similar in others. I am so glad that you have reached the age that you appreciate each other. Your love of horses has been a gift to me. I can't tell you how much I enjoy looking out and seeing those beautiful beings grazing in the fields. And, they supply an endless amount of compost for my garden! Thank you so much for the time you take to help me with the flowers. I could never get it all done without you! You're the best! Love You!!!!!
