
Friday, February 7, 2025

Fearless Chapter One: Breadcrumbs


Chapter One breadcrumb moment:
"The straps just covered the tiny tattoo on the top of her left foot."
Some books are very free-wheeling, and I feel things out as I go. But all the main plot beats of Fearless were nailed down before I started writing, so it was an exercise in dropping all the breadcrumbs at the right moments.
Folding backstory into the current narrative of a story is one of my favorite challenges. Through seemingly innocuous dropped comments and well-timed flashbacks, you slowly reveal a character's history rather than info-dumping. And that process, no matter how fleshed out my notes and outlines ahead of time, is always an exercise in "feel." I always want it to seem organic, and it's hard to know when the right moment will occur until you're in it. 

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