
Friday, December 13, 2024

National Day of the Horse

(Airiel's Southern Snow)


Happy National Day of the Horse! There are days for dogs, and cats, and chocolate, and coffee, and wine - why not a day for the most majestic of four-legged friends?

If you're reading this blog, then you know that its address is "hoofprintpress." If you've followed me on other social media for any length of time, you'll know that I'm an equine enthusiast. My daily schedule is ruled by feeding time and stall cleaning; I say "whoa" in public when I shouldn't; when the wind kicks up, I automatically tense up, no matter where I am, in anticipation of a spook. Whenever possible, I draw extended metaphors between writing books and training horses. 

Kit Kat
(Kid Tastes Like Candy)

When I was a four, a relative at a Christmas party laughingly asked if I would be willing to trade my dad for a horse. I said yes. There was more laughter. I probably didn't mean it - but I did desperately want a horse. My parents tried to get me interested in ballet, in jazz, in gymnastics, and, in middle school, band. But I couldn't be swayed: I wanted to ride, and it was all I wanted to do. I finally started taking lessons at nine, and got my first horse, my darling Skip, at ten. Needless to say, I never looked back. 

Horses have worked their way into more than a few of my books: Whatever Remains, The Skeleton King...and any subsequent book in which Briar Hall or Emmie make an appearance. I was initially hesitant to include equestrian sports of any kind in my work. It felt like a niche interest; also, I didn't want readers to think I was writing myself verbatim into my books. But horses are a part of everything I do; the lessons I've learned in the saddle and in the barnyard, what I've learned about human and animal behavior is entirely wrapped up in equestrianism. Even when I was writing about people, even when no horses appeared in a story, I was still writing about them. All my most dynamic and original characters are based upon animals, rather than humans. Mercy. Ghost. Ava. Reese and Tenny. All built from a quadrupedal base personality. Leaving horses out of the mix meant setting aside the area in which I have the most expertise. Also, the horses I've known over the years have provided some of my best biker road names: Sly, Loverboy, Candyman, Cowboy, Talis, Maverick. 

(Doe Eyed Kid)

Horses have shaped my life completely. I don't know who I would be without them. If you'd told me ten years ago that I would have three mares, I wouldn't believe you. I always considered myself a gelding girl. But here we are, and they're such sweet girls, and I'm so excited to get back in the saddle in the next couple of years. 

Speaking of writing, and equine influence, and being back in the saddle, the drakes in the Drake Chronicles are very horse inspired, and I'm working on book six as we speak! It's still early stages, so I have no idea when I'll finish, but it's slowly taking shape, and, if possible, it would be wonderful to carry the series all the way to its conclusion. If you've been patiently waiting for the next installment, thank you! We're getting there. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including your love and knowledge of horses in your writing. I have no experience with horses but through you I have come to know how special they are.
