
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dragon Day


National Appreciate a Dragon Day you say? 

*throws these dragons at you*

Dragons have always been an essential fantasy staple, but they feel like they've gone mainstream lately - not that I'm complaining. My favorite dragon has always been Gorbash; I probably watched Flight of Dragons two-hundred times as a kid. I haven't watched it lately to see if it holds up, and I don't think I want to. I want to remember how much I loved it years ago and feel nostalgic. It was part of the Intelligent, Talking Dragon genre, more Smaug than Drogon. 

As far as my own efforts go, I've written the dragons in the Drake Chronicles as mentally linked with their riders, but ultimately as animals, without speech or human reasoning. They do have an incredible sense of empathy with their riders, however, and are not mindless snarling and snapping beasts who devour everything in sight. Mine are a blend of dogs and horses personality-wise, domesticated, and useful, and affectionate. 

Little Valgrind is admittedly my favorite. He's a cute, dumb baby, and Nali loves him, though he'd never admit it aloud. 

If you're all about the current dragon craze, the first five books of my adult epic fantasy saga are available in digital and print form, and I'm currently working on book six. There's romance, political intrigue, tenuous alliances, interesting villains. There's Ragnar 😉 There's wolf shifters, and necromancy, and dream-walking. Don't let the slow-burn start in book one fool you: it's definitely magical, and more than earns the fantasy label in the rest of the series. 

Reading Order:

Edge of the Wild
Blood of Wolves 
Demon of the Dead
Fortunes of War

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

#TeaserTuesday: Prisoners


“Heirs, slaves, or soldiers,” Ragnar repeated. “Is that all you produce over there? What about farmers? Blacksmiths? Craftsmen? The tents we raided up north were swimming in gold trinkets and fancy cups. Someone made those, didn’t they?”

“Those would be slaves.”

“Is that how it is, then? In your empire? You’re either at the top, or someone at the top owns you?”

Cassius turned his head as they walked, his gaze near-colorless in the shade of the pines, cutting and far too bold for that of a prisoner. After a long beat of eye contact—as if Ragnar was going to be the one to look away first—Cassius returned his gaze to the road and sighed. “Have you considered that’s the precise reason I allowed myself to be captured? The reason I’m helping your people?”

“Not my people, mate. You’re helping the Southerners.”

“Your prince is aligned with the Southern cause, though, is he not?”

“He’s not my prince.”

“No.” Cassius sent him another sideways glance. “What is it you call him? Your alpha? He’s your master.”

Ragnar bristled. He didn’t realize he’d growled until Cassius’s brows lifted in surprise; then, aware of the rumble in his chest, he pushed it louder, deeper.

Leif was his alpha. His master. But the intricacies of pack dynamics couldn’t be understood by anyone outside the pack, much less a Sel born into captivity. To Cassius, Ragnar’s submission to Leif’s authority, to his body, would resemble his own upbringing. A relationship between slave and slave-owner. He couldn’t begin to comprehend Ragnar’s relationship with Leif. Couldn’t conceive of—of the way—of the fact Leif didn’t see Ragnar as—

The shock of pain and pressure at his throat proved he’d tried to shift, and his growl choked off. He coughed, and thumped on his chest, his heart racing, his wolf whining and whimpering under his skin.

“Are you well?” Cassius asked.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Snow Days


If you follow me on Instagram (@hppress) things have been very horse-oriented lately. Sorry not sorry for the equine spam! As of today, I'm 14k words into my new standalone project, but I'm still not ready to share anything about it, so I thought I'd fill the voice with more farmy content. 

After a week of bitter cold temperatures, Friday marked the first true snow day in Georgia since 2017. It began as two or so inches of fluffy powder in the morning - but then, this being Georgia, that couldn't last; it shifted to freezing rain in the afternoon, which made for a thick, icy crust overtop of everything, far too slick for the horses to go outside. 

This was the young girls' first time seeing snow. They were a little nervous that first day, mostly thanks to the crunching of my footsteps and the manure cart's wheels. I was nervous about putting them out two days later when there were still slippery spots, but, like with fireworks, and gunshots, and most things I fret will spook them, they handled it like little champs. 

Life with horses - with any large, outdoor animal - is just different than life with cats and dogs alone. Having them forces you to take all sorts of things into consideration. "I love being snowed in!" isn't anything horse people say. Snow days don't involve books, and hot chocolate, and cozy socks; it means sliding down hills on numb toes and chapping your hands pulling ice chunks out of water troughs. It's worrying that your horses will colic, toting warm water, tossing hay over and over. It's a life all horse people choose, but it's one that doesn't leave room for sleeping in, or vacations, or making plans that don't revolve around turnout and feeding times. 

In the midst of watching the fire coverage coming out of California, I can't help but feel heartsick over the horse evacuation efforts. What can anyone say about the horrors of it? What can any of us do, save pray for everyone affected, and donate to the brave souls on the ground putting in the hard work? That's all we can do. It's heart-wrenching. And as shattering as it is to see people lose everything they own, the horse owner in me can't imagine the panic and terror of not only losing your home and your belongings, but trying to move your animals in the midst of hell on earth. The videos of people leading their horses down the street, the staggering kindness and generosity of those who've come with trailer in tow to haul horses out of harm's way, the farms and show grounds that have offered a safe place to the midst of tragedy, there are glimmers of the very best of humanity. 

Hugging my babies extra tight, and praying for California ❤

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

New Year, New Hope


Bitter morning greetings from the farm. "Bitter" by Georgia standards, anyway. Everyone up north is laughing at us down here. But anytime you have steep temperature drops, it can be problematic for animals. Thankfully so far we don't have snow - it's predicted for Friday, ugh - and the girls are drinking plenty of water (a big deal when it gets cold) and keeping warm with blankets and lots of hay. I like to stage little piles of hay around the paddock as opposed to using round bales, that way they go from pile to pile and continue moving in a more natural, grazing-like pattern. Gotta keep the circulation going. 

It's surreal that it's 2025 already. I always take a little time away from social media/writing around the holidays, especially during that weird, liminal space between Christmas and New Year's. But this year, I've been very off-and-on ever since September when LHM dropped. Not only was that book mentally and emotionally draining to complete, but then it's proved to be my worst selling book of all timeThat coupled with some tumultuous real-life changes hit me with my worst writing slump ever. I've had a few stops and starts with existing series, dabbling with the Drakes or SoR a few hundred words at a time, but I've had lots of days when I sincerely thought that's it. I can't write another book. My mom always said, "Yes, you will." Like it's a given. It didn't feel like it there for a while. 

Yesterday was the first time since August I've written more than 2k words in a single day. I started something new, brand new, not related to anything else I've written, and slowly but surely over the course of the day, I felt some of the old spark returning. I won't get my hopes up, and I'm not ready to post anything like a teaser for it yet, but things were clicking yesterday. I woke up this morning eager to pick up where I left off. I started College Town at this time last year, and it was a much-needed break and creativity booster. Maybe this new standalone can be one of those as well. 

In this period of stagnation, there's two things keep coming back to. Recurring thoughts. 

The first is an exchange between an author and an anonymous commenter I encountered on Tumblr 6 or 7 years ago. The author, who was very talented, was bemoaning the amount of online hate and bullying her work was receiving. She decided to allow anonymous comments and posed the question: "Why are you over here trying to crush me, who has a small audience, and who just wants to share my work, instead of railing against the drivel being pushed out by huge publishing houses?" I'm paraphrasing, but it boiled down to: why are you picking on me instead of these huge corporate productions? Why single out a bespoke piece of fiction posted for free on the web? One anonymous commenter - only brave enough to say this thanks to anonymity - replied: "Because we know we can influence you." The commenter went on to say that they knew they couldn't affect a massive, NYT bestselling author with multi-million-dollar contracts, that they couldn't alter the course of a movie they disliked. "But we can stop you," this person said. The online, creative equivalent of kicking a puppy because you couldn't take on the hulking schoolyard tough guy. If you can't fight Dwayne Johnson, why not punch a baby? 

The other thing I've been thinking about is the way publishing part one of Fearless in August of 2014 made some folks so, so angry. When the ceaseless bullying I was dealing with while writing fanfiction in college got to be too much trouble, I jumped ship to writing original fiction. I only sold a few books here and there, but at least it was peaceful. Then the same bullies from the fanfic world jumped to Amazon, and when I started releasing Fearless in installments, the same old crap started all over again. 

Because I'm self-published instead of Stephen King, there's been no shortage over the last decade of people seeking to influence me. Some of them want me to pay them to read and talk up my books; some of them want to tell me what I can and can't write; some of them want me to go away and never publish another book. It's been, in a word, exhausting. I feel extremely fortunate to have amassed my small following and to have brought them joy through my work. It's incredible that anyone has read something I wrote, and sent me a kind message, or left a thoughtful review. Truly astounding. I shouldn't complain at all. 

But it does deeply sadden me that Dartmoor ignited such anger and hatred and bad acts from people. Some authors, some readers paid by those authors, some influencers wanting to steer the market. I'm very pleased with what I accomplished with Dartmoor, and I can only hope, going forward, that maybe if it's laid to rest, some of the nonsense will stop. Was it about that series? Those original bullies? Or is it just a me thing at this point? I know it's always been a point of contention that I don't pay readers and influencers. I can't afford to, because where does it stop? You'll dig yourself into the hole that way. I know the book world is a minefield of toxicity, but maybe, for me, it can be a little less toxic going forward...?

That's my hope: that I can write some new, and fun, and interesting stories in 2025, and shed some of the hatred that was heaped on my head thanks to Dartmoor. It began the very day I published part one. Perhaps, finally, I can slough it off. 

That got maudlin, didn't it? No more. I'm off to re-bust some water troughs, and then have some coffee and get back to work. Cheers to a brighter new year, friends. Thanks for being here. Thanks for your kindness. It means more than you know.